Game Changer 2024 - Student Sport Leaders Coming Together

On Tuesday, 260 students from around the lower north island came together for the 2024 edition of Game Changer. Game Changer is a forum designed to grow our student sport leaders and equip them with the skills they need to lead their fellow students.


A big thank you to all of our guest speakers/presenters:

  • Sophie Irving - Wellington Rugby
  • Charlene Gubb - St Mary's College
  • Ben Wallace and Rachel Goodin - Special Olympics NZ
  • Emma Phelps - The Halberg Foundation
  • Meaghan Wilby - Basketball New Zealand
  • Jess McManaway and Eleanor Simkin - Aotea College
  • Prisca Pieters - E Tu Tangata
  • Mason Malagamalii - MC


A special thank you also to Wellington Ultimate and Wellington Pickleball for getting the students moving during lunch, and to Te Rauparaha Arena, as our hosts for the day.

We can't wait to announce our new lineup of exciting presenters for the 2025 edition of Game Changer. We'll keep you posted!

Article added: Thursday 13 June 2024


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